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L’impatto psicologico dell’epidemia di COVID-19 sugli operatori sanitari nel periodo iniziale dell’emergenza: una breve e rapida revisione sistematica

The outbreak caused by a novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is a newly emerged disease started in Hubei province of China as a cluster of pneumonia cases with unknown aetiology. Due to rapid spread and severity of the infection, on March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared officially Covid-19 outbreak as a pandemic. In front of this public health concern, medical staff is...

The Suzhou handscroll: oblique images of a Far East city between remembrance and future

The essay offers a glimpse of the work developed by Imago Rerum team, concerned to University of IUAV/dCP in Venice, about the critical interpretation and digital reconstruction of the renowned handscroll “Prosperous Suzhou (姑蘇繁華圖)”, a Chinese work of art of the XVIII sec, depicting the Chinese city of Suzhou and its surroundings. The aforementioned team of experts carried out a...

Una lettura ‘bachtiniana’ dell’opera critica di Gao Xingjian 高行健

The polymorphous oeuvre of the artist Gao Xingjian 高行健 – born in China (1940), French citizen since 1998, now fully bilingual and bicultural – witnesses the devoted longing for a broader expressive richness in language, resulting from the elaboration of his primary linguistic and cultural awareness, and of another linguistic and cultural heritage, that has been consciously chosen...

Monitoraggio remoto delle deformazioni nell’isola di Santorini: una procedura integrata di analisi dati GPS presso la Sezione INGV di Bologna

Il GPS (Global Positioning System) è un noto sistema di posizionamento globale in grado di fornire le coordinate spaziali di unoperatore, se munito di antenna e ricevitore satellitari, in qualunque punto della terra esso si trovi, in qualunque condizionemeteo ed in qualsiasi ora del giorno. Oggi al GPS, che è di proprietà del Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti d'America...

The “ethnic corridor”: Vicissitudes of a pivotal concept in Chinese anthropological linguistics

The paper is the transcript of a conversation between the two authors on the rise and development of scientific debate on the “Ethnic Corridor” within the Chinese anthropological tradition. It is supplemented by several references to the personal and academic life of the famed ethnolinguist Hongkai Sun, professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Chinese...

Monitoraggio remoto delle deformazioni nell’isola di Santorini: una procedura integrata di analisi dati GPS presso la Sezione INGV di Bologna

Il GPS (Global Positioning System) è un noto sistema di posizionamento globale in grado di fornire le coordinate spaziali di unoperatore, se munito di antenna e ricevitore satellitari, in qualunque punto della terra esso si trovi, in qualunque condizionemeteo ed in qualsiasi ora del giorno. Oggi al GPS, che è di proprietà del Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti d'America...

Archaeology and Science in China

The monuments and historical memories of a people are its non-biological DNA, through which a political system creates its identity. Archaeological research, the protection and valorization of artistic heritage in China envisages the glorification of Beijing’s unifying power, recreating, through the business of cultural and archaeological tourism, sustained economic development...

Art Toys in the contemporary art scene

The Art Toys phenomenon, better known as Art Toy Movement, was born in China in the mid-nineties and quickly spread out to the rest of the world. The toys are an artistic production of serial sculpture, made by handcrafts or on an industrial scale. There are several types of toys, such as custom toys and canvas toys, synonyms of designer toys, although they are often defined...

Valeurs communes. Progetto della Commissione Europea.

Titolo: Valori comuni Titolo originale: Valeurs communes 2004/2005 Project leader: cooperativa Lai-momo Partner: Africa e Mediterraneo, Italia; Grupo Comunicar, Spagna; L'Afrique dessineé, Francia; Translit, Spagna; Le Comptoir du livre, Belgio; CS Associazione di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, Italia; Agronomi senza frontiere, Italia; Fumo di China, Italia. Riferimento: Andrea...


Neosalanx spp and Protosalanx spp are two genuses belonging to the fish family of Salangidae that are caught in China and commercialised abroad with the name of Ice fish or silver fish. Because of their morphological resemblance to some valuable fish products sold on our national market (know as Bianchetto and Rossetto), the Icefish is sometimes involved in commercial frauds. The...

L’azione di contrasto al fenomeno della tratta di esseri umani. Le linee del Dipartimento di Pubblica Sicurezza / Mésures répressives contre la traite des personnes. Le rôle du Département de la Sécurité Publique Italien / Measures against trafficking in human beings. The role of the Italian Department of Public Security

In the international criminal scene one of the most serious threats is illegal immigration and the trafficking in human beings. This is one of the most profitable organized crimes and one of the most hateful and vile crimes against people.In Italy, repressive and preventative measures have been adopted by politicians, especially after the increase of the trafficking of human...

L’Arma dei Carabinieri e le attività di prevenzione e repressione delle organizzazioni criminali /The « Arma dei Carabinieri » and the prevention and repression of organized crime / L’Arme des Carabiniers et les activités de prévention et de répression des organisations criminelles

Organized crime now has an international face: it controls illegal international activities and all the huge profits made by drug trafficking, the illegal weapons business, money laundering and trafficking of human beings. There are new criminals in the international criminal scene: people from North Africa, Nigeria, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Russia and China.Italy is the...