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Efek Gel Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana) pada Perlekatan Komposit pasca In-Office Bleaching

Hidrogen peroksida pada perawatan in-office bleaching meninggalkan residu yang dapat menghambat polimerisasi pada sistem resin bonding. Asam askorbat 10% sebagai antioksidan dapat mengeliminasi residu peroksida sebelum proses penumpatan. Kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang berpotensi untuk menggantikan peran asam askorbat. Penelitian ini...

Delaying Scaffolding Using GeoGebra: Improving the Ability of Vocational Students to Draw Conclusions

This case study investigated the implementation of the delayed scaffolding strategy by the teacher using GeoGebra software in learning the topic of absolute functions. This strategy aimed to assist the vocational students to understand the representation of the expression of absolute function symbols in graphical form. The results of the study show that the implementation of...

Incorporation of Resonators Into Plenum Window

A plenum window with incorporation of Helmholtz resonators in between two glass panes was tested in a reverberation room. The effects of jagged flap on reducing strength of diffracted sound was also investigated in the present studies where white, traffic and construction noises were examined Turing each set of experiment. When the noise source was located at the central line of...

Targeted energy transfer and modal energy redistribution in automotive drivetrains

The new generations of compact high output power-to-weight ratio internal combustion engines generate broadband torsional oscillations, transmitted to lightly damped drivetrain systems. A novel approach to mitigate these untoward vibrations can be the use of nonlinear absorbers. These act as Nonlinear Energy Sinks (NESs). The NES is coupled to the primary (drivetrain) structure...