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Search: authors:"Abdul Momin Kazi"

4 papers found.
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Impact of Different Dosing Schedules on the Immunogenicity of the Human Rotavirus Vaccine in Infants in Pakistan: A Randomized Trial

Background. Current oral rotavirus vaccines perform suboptimally in resource-poor settings. We investigated the effect of an additional dose and later schedule on the immunogenicity of monovalent rotavirus vaccine (RV1) in a developing country. Methods. Infants received RV1 at 6 and 10, 10 and 14, or 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age. The primary objective was to compare antirotavirus...

Sentinel Hospital-Based Surveillance for Assessment of Burden of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Children in Pakistan

Shabbir Hussain (AKU), Muhammad Ishaque (MHPMC - Mercy Hospital, Peshawar Medical College), Furqan Kabir (AKU), Abdul Momin Kazi (AKU), Shahzad Kazmi (AKU), Muhammad Mubashir Ahmad Khan (Pakistan Medical

Impact of Withholding Breastfeeding at the Time of Vaccination on the Immunogenicity of Oral Rotavirus Vaccine—A Randomized Trial

Background Breast milk contains anti-rotavirus IgA antibodies and other innate immune factors that inhibit rotavirus replication in vitro. These factors could diminish the immunogenicity of oral rotavirus vaccines, particularly if breastfeeding occurs close to the time of vaccine administration. Methods Between April 2011 and November 2012, we conducted an open label, randomized...