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Search: authors:"Alex Molassiotis"

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Patients’, families’ and healthcare providers’ perspectives on end-of-life communication in Chinese hospital settings: A qualitative study protocol

Lam, Alex Molassiotis. Methodology: Weilin Chen, Joyce Oi Kwan Chung, Katherine Ka Wai Lam, Alex Molassiotis. Project administration: Joyce Oi Kwan Chung. Resources: Joyce Oi Kwan Chung. Supervision ... : Joyce Oi Kwan Chung, Katherine Ka Wai Lam, Alex Molassiotis. Writing – original draft: Weilin Chen. Writing – review & editing: Weilin Chen, Joyce Oi Kwan Chung, Katherine Ka Wai Lam, Alex Molassiotis

A qualitative exploration of the unmet information needs of Chinese advanced cancer patients and their informal caregivers

Studies in the West have demonstrated that appropriate informational support is a vital component of cancer care, with positive effects on both patients and their informal caregivers. Since little is known about the information needs of advanced cancer patients and informal caregivers in China, where ‘silence as virtue’ is much more valued and the communication style is less open...

Psychometric assessment of the Chinese version of the Problems and Needs in Palliative Care questionnaire-short version in advanced cancer patients

To determine the validity, reliability and acceptability of the Mandarin Chinese version of the Problems and Needs in Palliative Care questionnaire-short version (PNPC-sv) for measuring problems and palliative care needs among patients with advanced cancer. This was a validation study using a forward- and backward- translation procedure, a panel of experts and a cross-sectional...

A step forward in addressing cancer survivorship in the Asia-Pacific region

Cancer survivorship is being increasingly recognized as an important component of cancer care. This commentary reviews the key findings reported in the recent BMC Medicine publication of the ACTION study, which focuses on the health-related quality of life and psychological distress in 5249 cancer survivors in eight low- and middle-income countries in Southeast Asia. The study...

Oncology practitioners’ perspectives and practice patterns of post-treatment cancer survivorship care in the Asia-Pacific region: results from the STEP study

for Alex Molassiotis in:PubMed • Google Scholar Consortia on behalf of the STEP study collaborators Contributions All authors assisted with the design of the questionnaires and were responsible for