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Search: authors:"Alicia Parra-Carriedo"

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Sex and Body Mass Index differences after one-year follow-up of an eating disorders risk factors universal prevention intervention in university students in Mexico City

IntroductionInterventions based on cognitive dissonance theory are the most effective for preventing eating disorders.ObjectiveTo identify the changes at one year follow-up of a universal prevention intervention in disordered eating behaviors (DEB), thin-ideal internalization (TII), and drive for muscularity (DM).MethodA pre-experimental, pretest-posttest study was conducted on...

When clean eating isn’t as faultless: the dangerous obsession with healthy eating and the relationship between Orthorexia nervosa and eating disorders in Mexican University students

Orthorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that has been scarcely studied in characteristics, causes and symptoms, as well as in consequences and the relationship with other eating disorders. The present study had as its main objective the analysis of said relationship and inquisition of the possibility of predicting the development of an eating disorder from the presence of...

Assessment of nutritional status, capillary glucose, blood pressure and body dissatisfaction in a population of Mexican indigenous artisans who attend an annual university handicraft fair

Non-communicable diseases, especially Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus type 2 are serious public health problems in our country; socially disadvantaged groups are the most affected. In order to assess the nutritional status, capillary glucose, blood pressure and body dissatisfaction, indigenous artisans who attended the annual university fairs of handicraft products were invited to...

Relación entre estatus nutricional, insatisfacción corporal y conductas alimentarias de riesgo en estudiantes de nutrición

The sociocultural pressure on university students, and particularly those studying Nutrition, negatively influences their body image (BI), which favors the adoption of risky eating behaviors (REB), regardless of their nutritional status (NS). The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between body dissatisfaction (BD), NS and REB in Nutrition students. A total of...

Genetic polymorphisms of antioxidant enzymes CAT and SOD affect the outcome of clinical, biochemical, and anthropometric variables in people with obesity under a dietary intervention

under a dietary intervention César Hernández-Guerrero Alicia Parra-Carriedo Diana Ruiz-de-Santiago Oscar Galicia-Castillo Mario Buenrostro-Jáuregui Carmen Díaz-Gutiérrez Background: Genetic

Genetic polymorphisms of antioxidant enzymes CAT and SOD affect the outcome of clinical, biochemical, and anthropometric variables in people with obesity under a dietary intervention

Genetic polymorphisms of antioxidant enzymes CAT, GPX, and SOD are involved in the etiology of obesity and its principal comorbidities. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of aforementioned SNPs over the output of several variables in people with obesity after a nutritional intervention. The study included 92 Mexican women, which received a dietary intervention...

Glutathione peroxidase-1 Pro200Leu polymorphism (rs1050450) is associated with morbid obesity independently of the presence of prediabetes or diabetes in women from Central Mexico

Introduction: obesity affects more than a third of Mexican population. Oxidative stress participates actively in the etiology of this phenomenon. Glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPX-1) plays a protective role against oxidative stress. The SNP Pro200Leu (rs10504050) has been reported to affect the activity of the enzyme. Objective: to determine the frequency of rs10504050 polymorphism...

Comparación del gasto energético en reposo determinado mediante calorimetría indirecta y estimado mediante fórmulas predictivas en mujeres con grados de obesidad I a III

Comparison of resting energy expenditure determined by indirect calorimetry and estimated by predictive formulas in women with obesity degrees I to III     Alicia Parra-Carriedo, Loren Cherem-Cherem