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Search: authors:"Angel Uranga"

6 papers found.
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Bipartite field theories from D-branes

Sebastian Franco 1 Angel Uranga 0 0 Instituto de Fsica Teorica IFT-UAM/CSIC C/ Nicolas Cabrera 13-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid , 28049 Madrid, Spain 1 Institute for Particle Physics

D-brane instantons as gauge instantons in orientifolds of chiral quiver theories

Systems of D3-branes at orientifold singularities can receive non-perturbative D-brane instanton corrections, inducing field theory operators in the 4d effective theory. In certain non-chiral examples, these systems have been realized as the infrared endpoint of a Seiberg duality cascade, in which the D-brane instanton effects arise from strong gauge theory dynamics. We present...

De Sitter uplift with Dynamical Susy Breaking

Abstract We propose the use of D-brane realizations of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking (DSB) gauge sectors as sources of uplift in compactifications with moduli stabilization onto de Sitter vacua. This construction is fairly different from the introduction of anti D-branes, yet allows for tunably small contributions to the vacuum energy via their embedding into warped throats...

Orientifolds of warped throats from toric Calabi-Yau singularities

We study the complex deformations of orientifolds of D3-branes at toric CY singularities, using their description in terms of dimer diagrams. We describe orientifold quotients that have fixed lines or fixed points in the dimer, and characterize the possibilities to deform them in terms of the behaviour of zig-zag paths under the orientifold symmetry. The resulting models are...

On the 3-form formulation of axion potentials from D-brane instantons

The study of axion models and quantum corrections to their potential has experienced great progress by phrasing the axion potential in terms of a 3-form field eating up the 2-form field dual to the axion. Such reformulation of the axion potential has been described for axion monodromy models and for axion potentials from non-perturbative gauge dynamics. In this paper we propose a...

Backreacting D-brane instantons on branes at singularities

Non-perturbative D-brane instanton effects in 4d \( \mathcal{N}=1 \) string compactifications can be geometrized in terms of a backreacted generalized geometry. We extend earlier results to setups in which the D-brane instanton is charged under the 4d gauge symmetries, and show that the backreacted topology yields the correct charged field theory operators in the 4d effective...