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Search: authors:"Atsushi Sekiguchi"

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Regional Gray Matter Density Associated with Cognitive Reflectivity–Impulsivity: Evidence from Voxel-Based Morphometry

When faced with a problem or choice, humans can use two different strategies: “cognitive reflectivity,” which involves slow responses and fewer mistakes, or “cognitive impulsivity,” which comprises of quick responses and more mistakes. Different individuals use these two strategies differently. To our knowledge, no study has directly investigated the brain regions involved in...

Effects of Different Types of Cognitive Training on Cognitive Function, Brain Structure, and Driving Safety in Senior Daily Drivers: A Pilot Study

 Yoritaka Akimoto,4 Mizuki Ihara,1 Ryoichi Yokoyama,4,5 Yuka Kotozaki,1 Rui Nouchi,1 Atsushi Sekiguchi,3,4 Hikaru Takeuchi,2 Carlos Makoto Miyauchi,4 Takeshi Ogawa,4 Takakuni Goto,4 Takashi Sunda,6 Toshiyuki

Effects of Different Types of Cognitive Training on Cognitive Function, Brain Structure, and Driving Safety in Senior Daily Drivers: A Pilot Study

 Yoritaka Akimoto,4 Mizuki Ihara,1 Ryoichi Yokoyama,4,5 Yuka Kotozaki,1 Rui Nouchi,1 Atsushi Sekiguchi,3,4 Hikaru Takeuchi,2 Carlos Makoto Miyauchi,4 Takeshi Ogawa,4 Takakuni Goto,4 Takashi Sunda,6 Toshiyuki

Effects of Different Types of Cognitive Training on Cognitive Function, Brain Structure, and Driving Safety in Senior Daily Drivers: A Pilot Study

 Yoritaka Akimoto,4 Mizuki Ihara,1 Ryoichi Yokoyama,4,5 Yuka Kotozaki,1 Rui Nouchi,1 Atsushi Sekiguchi,3,4 Hikaru Takeuchi,2 Carlos Makoto Miyauchi,4 Takeshi Ogawa,4 Takakuni Goto,4 Takashi Sunda,6 Toshiyuki

Brain structures in the sciences and humanities

The areas of academic interest (sciences or humanities) and area of study have been known to be associated with a number of factors associated with autistic traits. However, despite the vast amount of literature on the psychological and physiological characteristics associated with faculty membership, brain structural characteristics associated with faculty membership have never...

The Relationship between Processing Speed and Regional White Matter Volume in Healthy Young People

Processing speed is considered a key cognitive resource and it has a crucial role in all types of cognitive performance. Some researchers have hypothesised the importance of white matter integrity in the brain for processing speed; however, the relationship at the whole-brain level between white matter volume (WMV) and processing speed relevant to the modality or problem used in...

Brain Training Game Improves Executive Functions and Processing Speed in the Elderly: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Background The beneficial effects of brain training games are expected to transfer to other cognitive functions, but these beneficial effects are poorly understood. Here we investigate the impact of the brain training game (Brain Age) on cognitive functions in the elderly. Methods and Results Thirty-two elderly volunteers were recruited through an advertisement in the local...

Regional gray matter density is associated with achievement motivation: evidence from voxel-based morphometry

Achievement motivation can be defined as a recurrent need to improve one’s past performance. Despite previous functional imaging studies on motivation-related functional activation, the relationship between regional gray matter (rGM) morphology and achievement motivation has never been investigated. We used voxel-based morphometry and a questionnaire (achievement motivation scale...

Basal ganglia correlates of fatigue in young adults

Although the prevalence of chronic fatigue is approximately 20% in healthy individuals, there are no studies of brain structure that elucidate the neural correlates of fatigue outside of clinical subjects. We hypothesized that fatigue without evidence of disease might be related to changes in the basal ganglia and prefrontal cortex and be implicated in fatigue with disease. We...

Amygdala and cingulate structure is associated with stereotype on sex-role

ScholarSearch for Atsushi Sekiguchi in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Rui Nouchi in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Yuka Kotozaki in:Nature Research

White matter structures associated with loneliness in young adults

NakagawaDepartment of Functional Brain Imaging, Institute of Development, Ageing and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai, JapanSeishu Nakagawa, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Carlos Makoto Miyauchi, Kunio Iizuka, Ryoichi Yokoyama ... journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Rui Nouchi in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Atsushi Sekiguchi in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Yuka

Brain Training Game Boosts Executive Functions, Working Memory and Processing Speed in the Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Background Do brain training games work? The beneficial effects of brain training games are expected to transfer to other cognitive functions. Yet in all honesty, beneficial transfer effects of the commercial brain training games in young adults have little scientific basis. Here we investigated the impact of the brain training game (Brain Age) on a wide range of cognitive...

The anterior midcingulate cortex as a neural node underlying hostility in young adults

Anger typically manifests for only a short period of time, whereas hostility is present for a longer duration. However, both of these emotions are associated with an increased likelihood of psychological problems. The nodes within the neural networks that underlie hostility remain unclear. We presumed that specific nodes might include the anterior midcingulate cortex (aMCC...

White Matter Microstructural Changes as Vulnerability Factors and Acquired Signs of Post-Earthquake Distress

Many survivors of severe disasters need psychological support, even those not suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The critical issue in understanding the psychological response after experiencing severe disasters is to distinguish neurological microstructural underpinnings as vulnerability factors from signs of emotional distress acquired soon after the stressful...

Differences in gray matter structure correlated to nationalism and patriotism

for Yasuyuki Taki in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Atsushi Sekiguchi in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for Rui Nouchi in:Nature Research journals

Lenticular nucleus correlates of general self-efficacy in young adults

General self-efficacy (GSE) is an important factor in education, social participation, and medical treatment. However, the only study that has investigated the direct association between GSE and a neural correlate did not identify specific brain regions, rather only assessed brain structures, and included older adult subjects. GSE is related to motivation, physical activity...

Global associations between regional gray matter volume and diverse complex cognitive functions: evidence from a large sample study

Nouchi 7 8 9 RyoichiYokoyama 10 Yuka Kotozaki 11 Seishu Nakagawa 12 13 Atsushi Sekiguchi 0 Kunio Iizuka 1 YukiYamamoto 12 Sugiko Hanawa 12 Tsuyoshi Araki 9 Carlos Makoto Miyauchi 2 Takamitsu Shinada 12

Beneficial effects of reading aloud and solving simple arithmetic calculations (learning therapy) on a wide range of cognitive functions in the healthy elderly: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Background Almost all cognitive functions decline with age. Results of previous studies have shown that cognitive training related to everyday life (reading aloud and solving simple arithmetic calculations), namely learning therapy, can improve two cognitive function (executive functions and processing speed) in elderly people. However, it remains unclear whether learning therapy...

Beneficial effects of reading aloud and solving simple arithmetic calculations (learning therapy) on a wide range of cognitive functions in the healthy elderly: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Atsushi Sekiguchi in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Haruka Nouchi in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Ryuta Kawashima in:PubMed • Google Scholar Corresponding author Correspondence to Rui Nouchi

Working Memory Training Using Mental Calculation Impacts Regional Gray Matter of the Frontal and Parietal Regions

Training working memory (WM) improves performance on untrained cognitive tasks and alters functional activity. However, WM training's effects on gray matter morphology and a wide range of cognitive tasks are still unknown. We investigated this issue using voxel-based morphometry (VBM), various psychological measures, such as non-trained WM tasks and a creativity task, and...