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Search: authors:"Bart Adriaenssens"

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Corrigendum to: ‘Shy trout grow faster: do personality traits predict fitness of brown trout in the wild?’ by Bart Adriaenssens and Jörgen I. Johnsson. 22:135–143

Behavioral Ecology ( Bart Adriaenssens Jörgen I. Johnsson ASAB. 2012. Guidelines for the treatment of animals in behavioural research and teaching. Anim Behav. 83:301-309. Berejikian BA. 1995. The

Shy trout grow faster: exploring links between personality and fitness-related traits in the wild

In many animals, individual differences in behavior show remarkable consistency across situations and contexts (i.e., animal personality and behavioral syndromes). Studies on the association between personality traits and fitness-related measures in nature are, however, important to clarify the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. Here, we tested for correlations between 3...