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Search: authors:"Bhuvaneswari Krishnamoorthy"

6 papers found.
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A comprehensive review on learning curve associated problems in endoscopic vein harvesting and the requirement for a standardised training programme

Endoscopic vein harvesting is becoming one of the most favourable vein harvesting techniques in multiple bypass coronary surgery, due to its short term post-operative benefits with high patient satisfaction. However, long-term graft patency has been both supported and questioned in the literature. Graft failure can be affected by harvesting methods and operator’s experience...

Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of human saphenous vein harvested by endoscopic and open conventional methods

OBJECTIVES The introduction of endoscopic saphenous vein harvesting (ESVH) has been reported to decrease saphenectomy-associated wound pain and infection, compared with the traditional open conventional saphenous vein harvesting (OCSVH) technique. Despite all these benefits, the rate of adoption among surgeons has been variable. Criticism of this technique centres on the risk of...

Does the introduction of a comprehensive structured training programme for endoscopic vein harvesting improve conduit quality? A multicentre pilot study†

OBJECTIVES Endoscopic vein harvesting is one of the most popular minimally invasive vein-harvesting techniques for coronary artery bypass graft surgery. It is associated with improved cosmetic outcome and fewer wound-related problems compared with the conventional open technique. However, its efficacy with regard to conduit damage and long-term patency has recently been...

A randomized study comparing traditional monofilament knotted sutures with barbed knotless sutures for donor leg wound closure in coronary artery bypass surgery

OBJECTIVES Surgical knots on the suture line provide an anchoring function, but also represent a potential source of infection and irritation on the donor leg after coronary artery bypass surgery. Knotless barbed sutures were designed to prevent knot-related complications. This study compared knot-related wound complication rates between patients receiving traditional...

A comparative analysis of saphenous vein conduit harvesting techniques for coronary artery bypass grafting – standard bridging versus the open technique

Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery involves harvesting the great saphenous vein (GSV) using the traditional open technique (TOT). This can be associated with significant leg morbidity and patient dissatisfaction. Alternatively, the standard bridging technique (SBT) is a minimally invasive procedure of vein retrieval that uses smaller frequent incisions along the length...

A randomized study comparing three groups of vein harvesting methods for coronary artery bypass grafting: endoscopic harvest versus standard bridging and open techniques

OBJECTIVES The use of an open vein harvesting (OVH) technique for saphenous vein harvesting (SVH) is associated with wound complications and delayed patient mobilization. This has led to the development of minimally invasive vein harvesting (MIVH) techniques, such as standard bridging and endoscopic SVH (EVH). This randomized trial was established to assess immediate clinical...