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Search: authors:"Bisong Zhu"

3 papers found.
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Cancer-associated fibroblasts promote cisplatin resistance in bladder cancer cells by increasing IGF-1/ERβ/Bcl-2 signalling

While cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in the tumour microenvironment may play important roles in bladder cancer (BCa) progression, their impacts on BCa chemoresistance remain unclear. Using human BCa samples, we found that tumour tissues possessed more CAFs than did adjacent normal tissues. Both the presence of CAFs in the BCa stroma and the expression of ERβ in BCa...

CLASP2 is involved in the EMT and early progression after transurethral resection of the bladder tumor

Background Cytoplasmic linker-associated protein 2 (CLASP2) belongs to a family of microtubule plus-end tracking proteins that localizes to the distal ends of microtubules and regulate microtubule dynamics. We speculated that it might be involved in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and progression of bladder cancer (BC). Methods Western blotting and RT-PCR were used to...

CLASP2 is involved in the EMT and early progression after transurethral resection of the bladder tumor

Jianshe Dong Road, Zhengzhou, 450000, People’s Republic of ChinaJun Wang AuthorsSearch for Bisong Zhu in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Lin Qi in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Sulai Liu in:PubMed