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Search: authors:"Brando Bellazzini"

3 papers found.
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Massive higher spins: effective theory and consistency

AbstractWe construct the effective field theory for a single massive higher-spin particle in flat spacetime. Positivity bounds of the S-matrix force the cutoff of the theory to be well below the naive strong-coupling scale, forbid any potential and make therefore higher- derivative operators important even at low energy. As interesting application, we discuss in detail the...

Softness and amplitudes’ positivity for spinning particles

We derive positivity bounds for scattering amplitudes of particles with arbitrary spin using unitarity, analyticity and crossing symmetry. The bounds imply the positivity of certain low-energy coefficients of the effective action that controls the dynamics of the light degrees of freedom. We show that low-energy amplitudes strictly softer than O(p 4) do not admit unitary...

Cosmological and astrophysical probes of vacuum energy

Vacuum energy changes during cosmological phase transitions and becomes relatively important at epochs just before phase transitions. For a viable cosmology the vacuum energy just after a phase transition must be set by the critical temperature of the next phase transition, which exposes the cosmological constant problem from a different angle. Here we propose to experimentally...