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Search: authors:"Carrie L. Saetermoe"

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Enhancing grant-writing expertise in BUILD institutions: Building infrastructure leading to diversity

Carrie L. Saetermoe 4 6 7 8 Gillian Beth Silver 4 6 7 8 Katherine Snyder 4 6 7 8 Arturo R. ZavalaID 1 4 6 7 8 Audrey G. Parangan-SmithID 4 6 7 8 on behalf of the Diversity Program Consortium 2 4 6 7 8 0 ... , Lauren Kaplan, Marc B. Cox, Carlos J. Crespo, Andrew Feig, Karsten Hueffer, Harris McFerrin, Keith Norris, Elizabeth Roberts-Kirchhoff, Carrie L. Saetermoe, Gillian Beth Silver, Katherine Snyder, Arturo R

Critical race theory as a bridge in science training: the California State University, Northridge BUILD PODER program

Background and purposeUnconscious bias and explicit forms of discrimination continue to pervade academic institutions. Multicultural and diversity training activities have not been sufficient in making structural and social changes leading to equity, therefore, a new form of critical consciousness is needed to train diverse scientists with new research questions, methods, and...

Critical race theory as a bridge in science training: the California State University, Northridge BUILD PODER program

Unconscious bias and explicit forms of discrimination continue to pervade academic institutions. Multicultural and diversity training activities have not been sufficient in making structural and social changes leading to equity, therefore, a new form of critical consciousness is needed to train diverse scientists with new research questions, methods, and perspectives. The purpose...