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Search: authors:"Chandra Bortolotto"

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Os peroneum imaging: normal appearance and pathological findings

, Italy 1 CIM SA, Cabinet Imagerie Médicale , Genève , Suisse 2 Chandra Bortolotto The os peroneum (OP) is a small sesamoid bone located inside the peroneus longus tendon (PLT), close to the cuboid. The

Imaging of plantar fascia disorders: findings on plain radiography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging

Plantar fascia (PF) disorders commonly cause heel pain and disability in the general population. Imaging is often required to confirm diagnosis. This review article aims to provide simple and systematic guidelines for imaging assessment of PF disease, focussing on key findings detectable on plain radiography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Sonographic...