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Search: authors:"Chang Liu"

5 papers found.
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Regulating strain in perovskite thin films through charge-transport layers

Thermally-induced tensile strain that remains in perovskite films following annealing results in increased ion migration and is a known factor in the instability of these materials. Previously-reported strain regulation methods for perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have utilized substrates with high thermal expansion coefficients that limits the processing temperature of perovskites...

Determining molecular properties with differential mobility spectrometry and machine learning

The fast and accurate determination of molecular properties is highly desirable for many facets of chemical research, particularly in drug discovery where pre-clinical assays play an important role in paring down large sets of drug candidates. Here, we present the use of supervised machine learning to treat differential mobility spectrometry – mass spectrometry data for ten...

Changes of Adult Population Health Status in China from 2003 to 2008

Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine the change in health status of China's adult population between the years of 2003 and 2008 due to rapid economic growth and medical system improvement. Methods Data from the third and fourth Chinese national health services surveys covering 141,927 residents in 2003 and 136,371 residents in 2008 who were aged >18 years were...

A genome-wide synthetic dosage lethality screen reveals multiple pathways that require the functioning of ubiquitin-binding proteins Rad23 and Dsk2

Background Ubiquitin regulates a myriad of important cellular processes through covalent attachment to its substrates. A classic role for ubiquitin is to flag proteins for destruction by the proteasome. Recent studies indicate that ubiquitin-binding proteins (e.g. Rad23, Dsk2, Rpn10) play a pivotal role in transferring ubiquitylated proteins to the proteasome. However, the...