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Search: authors:"Chong-kui Sun"

3 papers found.
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Senescence impairs direct conversion of human somatic cells to neurons

Recent reports have shown that fibroblasts can be converted to neurons by forced expression of transcription factors. However, the mechanisms underlying this conversion remain unclear. Here, we show that the efficiency of neuronal conversion of embryonic human fibroblasts aged in culture is lower than that in cells in early culture stages. Moreover, depletion of p16Ink4a and...

TCAB1: a potential target for diagnosis and therapy of head and neck carcinomas

Background WRAP53, including α, β and γ isoforms, plays an important role not only in the stability of p53 mRNA, but also in the assembly and trafficking of the telomerase holoenzyme. It has been considered an oncogene and is thought to promote the survival of cancer cells. The aim of this study was to detect the role of TCAB1 (except WRAP53α) in the occurrence and development of...

TCAB1: a potential target for diagnosis and therapy of head and neck carcinomas

diagnostic biomarker and might be beneficial as a future therapeutic target for head and neck carcinomas. Notes Chong-kui Sun, Xiao-bo Luo contributed equally to this work. Declarations Acknowledgements