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Search: authors:"Chung-Chun Wu"

7 papers found.
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Epstein–Barr Virus DNase (BGLF5) induces genomic instability in human epithelial cells

Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV) DNase (BGLF5) is an alkaline nuclease and has been suggested to be important in the viral life cycle. However, its effect on host cells remains unknown. Serological and histopathological studies implied that EBV DNase seems to be correlated with carcinogenesis. Therefore, we investigate the effect of EBV DNase on epithelial cells. Here, we report that...

Inhibition of Epstein-Barr virus reactivation by the flavonoid apigenin

Background Lytic reactivation of EBV has been reported to play an important role in human diseases, including NPC carcinogenesis. Inhibition of EBV reactivation is considered to be of great benefit in the treatment of virus-associated diseases. For this purpose, we screened for inhibitory compounds and found that apigenin, a flavonoid, seemed to have the ability to inhibit EBV...

Inhibition of Epstein-Barr virus reactivation by the flavonoid apigenin

Lytic reactivation of EBV has been reported to play an important role in human diseases, including NPC carcinogenesis. Inhibition of EBV reactivation is considered to be of great benefit in the treatment of virus-associated diseases. For this purpose, we screened for inhibitory compounds and found that apigenin, a flavonoid, seemed to have the ability to inhibit EBV reactivation...

Long-term growth comparison studies of FBS and FBS alternatives in six head and neck cell lines

Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is depended upon by investigators as an indispensable supplement in cell and tissue culture systems. Due to increased demand and limited availability, the price of FBS has increased by greater than 300% in the past few years. In addition, there are ethical and scientific controversies about the collection and use of FBS in culture systems. In response to...

Perspective: Contribution of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) Reactivation to the Carcinogenicity of Nasopharyngeal Cancer Cells

of EBV BGLF5 on GI and the inhibition of EBV reactivation: Chung-Chun Wu. Contributed to the study of chemicals inducing EBV reactivation: Chih-Yeu Fang and Sheng-Yen Huang. Contributed to the study of

Reactive Oxygen Species Mediate Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation by N-Methyl-N’-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine

N-nitroso compounds (NOCs) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation have been suggested to play a role in the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Although chemicals have been shown to be a risk factor contributing to the carcinogenesis of NPC, the underlying mechanism is not fully understood. We demonstrated recently that N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG...

The Synergistic Effect of Chemical Carcinogens Enhances Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation and Tumor Progression of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells

Seroepidemiological studies imply a correlation between Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation and the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). N-nitroso compounds, phorbols, and butyrates are chemicals found in food and herb samples collected from NPC high-risk areas. These chemicals have been reported to be risk factors contributing to the development of NPC, however, the...