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Search: authors:"D. K. McCulloch"

3 papers found.
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Metabolic state of the pancreas affects end-point titre in the islet cell antibody assay

ICA D. K. McCulloch et al.: Metabolic state and I C A assay titre of those found to be positive is given in JD F units. Subjects were also tested for the presence of insulin autoantibodies (IAA) using a ... , Bonifacio E , Bottazzo GF , Gleichmann H , Molenaar J ( 1988 ) Immunology and diabetes workshop: report on the D. K. McCulloch et al .: Metabolic state and ICA assay third international (stage 3) workshop on

The natural history of impotence in diabetic men

SummaryThe natural history of erectile impotence in diabetic men has been defined in a 5-year prospective study of 466 patients initially aged 20–59 years. Of the 275 who were originally potent, 78 (28%) have become impotent. Five features present at first interview were found to be independently predictive of the subsequent development of impotence; age (p< 0.0001), alcohol...

The prevalence of diabetic impotence

in revised form: October 5 , 1979 Dr. D. K. McCulloch Diabetic and Dietetic Department Royal Infirmary Edinburgh EH3 9YW Scotland