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Search: authors:"Daniele Donà"

3 papers found.
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Special Immunization Service: A 14-year experience in Italy

, increasing immunization coverage and ensuring safe vaccination in high-risk children. Supporting information S1 File. Database. (XLSX) Author Contributions Conceptualization: Daniele Donà, Susanna Masiero ... , Eleonora Borgia, Federica Visentin, Liviana Da Dalt. Data curation: Daniele Donà, Susanna Masiero, Sara Brisotto, Lorena Gottardello, Rebecca Lundin, Eleonora Borgia, Federica Visentin. Formal analysis

SARS-CoV-2 testing and infection control strategies in European paediatric emergency departments during the first wave of the pandemic

Popielska 4 & Maggie Nyirenda Nyang’wa 5 & Sigita Burokiene 6 & Despoina Gkentzi 7 & Ewelina Gowin 8 & Daniele Donà 9 & Sara Villanueva-Medina 10 & Andrew Riordan 11 & Markus Hufnagel 12 & Sarah Eisen 13

Antibiotic Prescriptions and Prophylaxis in Italian Children. Is It Time to Change? Data from the ARPEC Project

Background Antimicrobials are the most commonly prescribed drugs. Many studies have evaluated antibiotic prescriptions in the paediatric outpatient but few studies describing the real antibiotic consumption in Italian children’s hospitals have been published. Point-prevalence survey (PPS) has been shown to be a simple, feasible and reliable standardized method for antimicrobials...