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Search: authors:"Danielle Levac"

8 papers found.
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A knowledge translation intervention to enhance clinical application of a virtual reality system in stroke rehabilitation

Background Despite increasing evidence for the effectiveness of virtual reality (VR)-based therapy in stroke rehabilitation, few knowledge translation (KT) resources exist to support clinical integration. KT interventions addressing known barriers and facilitators to VR use are required. When environmental barriers to VR integration are less amenable to change, KT interventions...

Advancing scoping study methodology: a web-based survey and consultation of perceptions on terminology, definition and methodological steps

Background Scoping studies (or reviews) are a method used to comprehensively map evidence across a range of study designs in an area, with the aim of informing future research practice, programs and policy. However, no universal agreement exists on terminology, definition or methodological steps. Our aim was to understand the experiences of, and considerations for conducting...

A knowledge translation intervention to enhance clinical application of a virtual reality system in stroke rehabilitation

Despite increasing evidence for the effectiveness of virtual reality (VR)-based therapy in stroke rehabilitation, few knowledge translation (KT) resources exist to support clinical integration. KT interventions addressing known barriers and facilitators to VR use are required. When environmental barriers to VR integration are less amenable to change, KT interventions can target...

Advancing scoping study methodology: a web-based survey and consultation of perceptions on terminology, definition and methodological steps

Scoping studies (or reviews) are a method used to comprehensively map evidence across a range of study designs in an area, with the aim of informing future research practice, programs and policy. However, no universal agreement exists on terminology, definition or methodological steps. Our aim was to understand the experiences of, and considerations for conducting scoping studies...

Scoping studies: advancing the methodology

Background Scoping studies are an increasingly popular approach to reviewing health research evidence. In 2005, Arksey and O'Malley published the first methodological framework for conducting scoping studies. While this framework provides an excellent foundation for scoping study methodology, further clarifying and enhancing this framework will help support the consistency with...

Scoping studies: advancing the methodology

Scoping studies are an increasingly popular approach to reviewing health research evidence. In 2005, Arksey and O'Malley published the first methodological framework for conducting scoping studies. While this framework provides an excellent foundation for scoping study methodology, further clarifying and enhancing this framework will help support the consistency with which...

A scoping review on the conduct and reporting of scoping reviews

: World Health Organization. Competing interests Four review authors were lead authors for 6 included studies: Kelly O’Brien (O’Brien 2008; O’Brien 2010), Heather Colquhoun (Colquhoun 2010), Danielle Levac

A scoping review on the conduct and reporting of scoping reviews

1.26 MB) Competing interests Four review authors were lead authors for 6 included studies: Kelly O’Brien (O’Brien 2008; O’Brien 2010), Heather Colquhoun (Colquhoun 2010), Danielle Levac (Levac