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Search: authors:"David Ludlow"

4 papers found.
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An architecture for integrated intelligence in urban management using cloud computing

particular cloud computing, software engineering, business process management, data interoperability and management, software agents and geospatial information systems. Mr. David Ludlow is an urban planner

A healthy turn in urban climate change policies; European city workshop proposes health indicators as policy integrators

Background The EU FP6 HENVINET project reviewed the potential relevance of a focus on climate change related health effects for climate change policies at the city region level. This was undertaken by means of a workshop with both scientists, city representatives from several EU-countries, representatives of EU city networks and EU-experts. In this paper we introduce some...

The challenge of social networking in the field of environment and health

Background The fields of environment and health are both interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary, and until recently had little engagement in social networking designed to cross disciplinary boundaries. The EU FP6 project HENVINET aimed to establish integrated social network and networking facilities for multiple stakeholders in environment and health. The underlying assumption...

The challenge of social networking in the field of environment and health

The fields of environment and health are both interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary, and until recently had little engagement in social networking designed to cross disciplinary boundaries. The EU FP6 project HENVINET aimed to establish integrated social network and networking facilities for multiple stakeholders in environment and health. The underlying assumption is that...