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Search: authors:"David Tabibian"

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PACK-CXL: Corneal cross-linking in infectious keratitis

BackgroundCorneal cross-linking (CXL) using ultraviolet light-A (UV-A) and riboflavin is a technique developed in the 1990’s to treat corneal ectatic disorders such as keratoconus. It soon became the new gold standard in multiple countries around the world to halt the progression of this disorder, with good long-term outcomes in keratometry reading and visual acuity. The original...

PACK-CXL: Corneal cross-linking in infectious keratitis

Corneal cross-linking (CXL) using ultraviolet light-A (UV-A) and riboflavin is a technique developed in the 1990’s to treat corneal ectatic disorders such as keratoconus. It soon became the new gold standard in multiple countries around the world to halt the progression of this disorder, with good long-term outcomes in keratometry reading and visual acuity. The original Dresden...