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Search: authors:"Dermot J. Kelly"

2 papers found.
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Preemptive analgesia II: recent advances and current trends

Dermot J. Kelly MRCPI FFARCSI Mahmood Ahmad Sorin J. Brull mail: [L'analgsie prventive II : progrs rcents et nouvelle orientation] Purpose: This two-part review summarizes the current knowledge of

Preemptive analgesia I: physiological pathways and pharmacological modalities

Purpose This two-part review summarizes the current knowledge of physiological mechanisms, pharmacological modalities and controversial issues surrounding preemptive analgesia. Source Articles from 1966 to present were obtained from the MEDLINE databases. Search terms included: analgesia, preemptive; neurotransmitters; pain, postoperative; hyperalgesia; sensitization, central...