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Search: authors:"Diana Domanska"

6 papers found.
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hGSuite HyperBrowser: A web-based toolkit for hierarchical metadata-informed analysis of genomic tracks

like to thank Anna Berit Wennerstro¨m for her technical assistance. Author Contributions Conceptualization: Geir Kjetil Sandve, Diana Domanska. 10 / 12 Data curation: Sumana Kalyanasundaram, Yohan ... Lefol, Torbjørn Rognes, Lene Alsøe, Hilde Loge Nilsen. Formal analysis: Sumana Kalyanasundaram, Yohan Lefol, Hilde Loge Nilsen, Diana Domanska. Investigation: Diana Domanska. Methodology: Geir Kjetil

Complex patterns of concomitant medication use: A study among Norwegian women using paracetamol during pregnancy

Wood, Hedvig Nordeng, Geir Kjetil Sandve. Data curation: Stefania Salvatore, Diana Domanska. Formal analysis: Stefania Salvatore, Geir Kjetil Sandve. 9 / 11 Methodology: Stefania Salvatore. Writing ... ± original draft: Stefania Salvatore. Writing ± review & editing: Stefania Salvatore, Diana Domanska, Mollie Wood, Hedvig Nordeng, Geir Kjetil Sandve. 10 / 11 1. Grzeskowiak LE , Gilbert AL , Morrison JL

Mind the gaps: overlooking inaccessible regions confounds statistical testing in genome analysis

The current versions of reference genome assemblies still contain gaps represented by stretches of Ns. Since high throughput sequencing reads cannot be mapped to those gap regions, the regions are depleted of experimental data. Moreover, several technology platforms assay a targeted portion of the genomic sequence, meaning that regions from the unassayed portion of the genomic...

Genome build information is an essential part of genomic track files

Genomic locations are represented as coordinates on a specific genome build version, but the build information is frequently missing when coordinates are provided. We show that this information is essential to correctly interpret and analyse the genomic intervals contained in genomic track files. Although not a substitute for best practices, we also provide a tool to predict the...

The rainfall plot: its motivation, characteristics and pitfalls

A visualization referred to as rainfall plot has recently gained popularity in genome data analysis. The plot is mostly used for illustrating the distribution of somatic cancer mutations along a reference genome, typically aiming to identify mutation hotspots. In general terms, the rainfall plot can be seen as a scatter plot showing the location of events on the x-axis versus the...

Uracil Accumulation and Mutagenesis Dominated by Cytosine Deamination in CpG Dinucleotides in Mice Lacking UNG and SMUG1

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