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Search: authors:"Dilafruz Juraeva"

2 papers found.
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Feature selection strategies for drug sensitivity prediction

Drug sensitivity prediction constitutes one of the main challenges in personalized medicine. Critically, the sensitivity of cancer cells to treatment depends on an unknown subset of a large number of biological features. Here, we compare standard, data-driven feature selection approaches to feature selection driven by prior knowledge of drug targets, target pathways, and gene...

Integrated Pathway-Based Approach Identifies Association between Genomic Regions at CTCF and CACNB2 and Schizophrenia

In the present study, an integrated hierarchical approach was applied to: (1) identify pathways associated with susceptibility to schizophrenia; (2) detect genes that may be potentially affected in these pathways since they contain an associated polymorphism; and (3) annotate the functional consequences of such single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the affected genes or their...