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Search: authors:"Dong-Xia Li"

4 papers found.
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Compensatory sweating after restricting or lowering the level of sympathectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

OBJECTIVE:To compare compensatory sweating after lowering or restricting the level of sympathectomy.METHOD:A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted of all randomized controlled trials published in English that compared compensatory sweating after lowering or restricting the level of sympathectomy. The Cochrane collaboration tool was used to assess the risk of bias...

Compensatory sweating after restricting or lowering the level of sympathectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

OBJECTIVE:To compare compensatory sweating after lowering or restricting the level of sympathectomy.METHOD:A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted of all randomized controlled trials published in English that compared compensatory sweating after lowering or restricting the level of sympathectomy. The Cochrane collaboration tool was used to assess the risk of bias...

Impact of wilting and additives on fermentation quality and carbohydrate composition of mulberry silage

:// Dong Xia Li Yan Li Lin Fu Yu Yang Kui Kui Ni https://orcid. org

Relationship between high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T and the prognosis of elderly inpatients with non-acute coronary syndromes

Relationship between high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T and the prognosis of elderly inpatients with non-acute coronary syndromes Wei Wu,1 Dong-Xia Li,1 Qing Wang,2 Ying Xu,2 Yun-Jing Cui2 1General