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Search: authors:"Esnat Chirwa"

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Prevalence and factors associated with experience of corporal punishment in public schools in South Africa

; members of our stakeholder advisory committee; our first project manager Jacqueline Mangoma-Chaurura and all the project staff. Author Contributions Conceptualization: Pinky Mahlangu, Esnat Chirwa ... , Nwabisa Shai, Rachel Jewkes. Data curation: Esnat Chirwa. Formal analysis: Esnat Chirwa, Rachel Jewkes. Funding acquisition: Rachel Jewkes. Investigation: Pinky Mahlangu. Methodology: Nwabisa Shai

RCT evaluation of Skhokho: A holistic school intervention to prevent gender-based violence among South African Grade 8s

Lombard. Data curation: Esnat Chirwa. Formal analysis: Esnat Chirwa, Carl Lombard. Funding acquisition: Rachel Jewkes. Investigation: Rachel Jewkes, Anik Gevers, Pinky Mahlangu, Simukai Shamu, Nwabisa ... . Writing – original draft: Rachel Jewkes. Writing – review & editing: Rachel Jewkes, Anik Gevers, Esnat Chirwa, Pinky Mahlangu, Simukai Shamu, Nwabisa Shai, Carl Lombard. 25 / 28 26 / 28 World Health

Factors associated with IPV victimisation of women and perpetration by men in migrant communities of Nepal

: Nwabisa Shai, Esnat Chirwa. Investigation: Geeta Devi Pradhan, Esnat Chirwa, Ratna Shrestha, Abhina Adhikari. 14 / 17 Methodology: Nwabisa Shai, Geeta Devi Pradhan, Esnat Chirwa, Ratna Shrestha, Abhina ... Shai, Ratna Shrestha, Abhina Adhikari, Alice Kerr-Wilson. Writing – original draft: Nwabisa Shai. Writing – review & editing: Nwabisa Shai, Geeta Devi Pradhan, Esnat Chirwa, Ratna Shrestha, Abhina

Understanding the Relationships between Gender Inequitable Behaviours, Childhood Trauma and Socio-Economic Status in Single and Multiple Perpetrator Rape in Rural South Africa: Structural Equation Modelling

Background Interventions to prevent rape perpetration must be designed to address its drivers. This paper seeks to extend understanding of drivers of single and multiple perpetrator rape (referred to here as SPR and MPR respectively) and the relationships between socio-economic status, childhood trauma, peer pressure, other masculine behaviours and rape. Method 1370 young men...

What will it take for the Global Plan priority countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV?

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An individually randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of the Women for Women International Programme in reducing intimate partner violence and strengthening livelihoods amongst women in Afghanistan: trial design, methods and baseline findings

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is the most common form of violence in conflict and post-conflict settings, but there are few evaluations of interventions to prevent IPV in such settings. The Women for Women International (WfWI) intervention is a year-long combined economic and social empowerment intervention for marginalized women survivors of conflict. Primarily, it seeks to...

The Stepping Stones and Creating Futures intervention to prevent intimate partner violence and HIV-risk behaviours in Durban, South Africa: study protocol for a cluster randomized control trial, and baseline characteristics

Preventing intimate partner violence (IPV) remains a global public health challenge. Studies suggest urban informal settlements have particularly high levels of IPV and HIV-prevalence and these settlements are rapidly growing. The current evidence base of effective approaches to preventing IPV recognizes the potential of combining economic strengthening and gender transformative...

Levels of Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence among Sputum Smear Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Attending Care at Zomba Central Hospital, Southern Malawi, 2007–2008

Background Despite great efforts to control Tuberculosis (TB), progress is compromised by low adherence to medication, leading to prolonged duration of infectiousness and continued transmission. Investigating low adherence is of high importance from TB programmatic perspective. Though data on actual days of missed treatment exist, the effect of such on TB cure rates has not been...