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Search: authors:"Eva Llabrés"

5 papers found.
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General solutions in Chern-Simons gravity and T T ¯ $$ T\overline{T} $$ -deformations

HJE T T¯-deformations Eva Llabrés 0 0 Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CEA, Institut de physique théorique We find the most general solution to Chern-Simons AdS3 gravity in FeffermanGraham gauge

Wilson lines and Ishibashi states in AdS3/CFT2

Abstract We provide a refined interpretation of a gravitational Wilson line in AdS3 in terms of Ishibashi states in the dual CFT2. Our strategy is to give a method to evaluate the Wilson line that accounts for all the information contained in the representation, and clarify the role of boundary conditions at the endpoints of the line operator. This gives a novel way to explore...

Geodesic diagrams, gravitational interactions & OPE structures

We give a systematic procedure to evaluate conformal partial waves involving symmetric tensors for an arbitrary CFT d using geodesic Witten diagrams in AdS d+1. Using this procedure we discuss how to draw a line between the tensor structures in the CFT and cubic interactions in AdS. We contrast this map to known results using three-point Witten diagrams: the maps obtained via...

Eternal higher spin black holes: a thermofield Interpretation

We study Lorentzian eternal black holes in the Chern-Simons sector of AdS3 higher spin gravity. We probe such black holes using bulk Wilson lines and motivate new regularity conditions that must be obeyed by the bulk connections in order for the geometry to be consistent with an interpretation as a thermofield state in the dual CFT2. We demonstrate that any higher spin black hole...

Unravelling holographic entanglement entropy in higher spin theories

There are two proposals that compute holographic entanglement entropy in AdS3 higher spin theories based on SL(N, ℝ) Chern-Simons theory. We show explicitly that these two proposals are equivalent. We also designed two methods that solve systematically the equations for arbitrary N. For finite charge backgrounds in AdS3, we find exact agreement between our expressions and the...