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Search: authors:"Eveline L. de Zeeuw"

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Teacher-rated aggression and co-occurring behaviors and emotional problems among schoolchildren in four population-based European cohorts

. Boomsma. Methodology: Alyce M. Whipp, Eero Vuoksimaa, Tellervo Korhonen, Lea Pulkkinen, Kaili Rimfeld, Meike Bartels, Jaakko Kaprio, Dorret I. Boomsma. Resources: Eveline L. de Zeeuw, Matteo Mauri ... & editing: Alyce M. Whipp, Eero Vuoksimaa, Koen Bolhuis, Eveline L. de Zeeuw, Tellervo Korhonen, Matteo Mauri, Lea Pulkkinen, Kaili Rimfeld, Richard J. Rose, Catharina (Toos) E. M. van Beijsterveldt, Meike

Childhood ODD and ADHD Behavior: The Effect of Classroom Sharing, Gender, Teacher Gender and Their Interactions

stability and change in psychopathology from childhood to young adulthood (NWO/ZonMW 91210020). Conflict of Interest Eveline L de Zeeuw, CEM van Beijsterveldt, Gitta H Lubke, Tina J Glasner and Dorret I

Individual Differences in Exercise Behavior: Stability and Change in Genetic and Environmental Determinants From Age 7 to 18

, Spinozapremie 56-464-14192, VENI 451-04-034. CH is funded by a grant of the ReVanche Program EMGO?. Compliance with Ethical Standards Conflict of interest Charlotte Huppertz, Meike Bartels, Eveline L. de Zeeuw