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Search: authors:"Fernando Alda"

3 papers found.
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High levels of population genetic differentiation in the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)

, George Amato. Resources: Natalia A. Rossi, Joshua R. Ginsberg, Kent A. Vliet, George Amato. Software: Natalia A. Rossi, Angelica Menchaca-Rodriguez, Fernando Alda. Supervision: Natalia A. Rossi, John B ... , Joe Wasilewski, Fernando Alda, Ignacio Doadrio, Tito R. Barros, Evon Hekkala, Manuel Alonso-Tabet, Yairen Alonso-Gime´nez, Manuel Lopez, Georgina Espinosa-Lopez, Joe Burgess, Joshua R. Ginsberg, Kent A

Multiple Paternity in a Reintroduced Population of the Orinoco Crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius) at the El Frío Biological Station, Venezuela

The success of a reintroduction program is determined by the ability of individuals to reproduce and thrive. Hence, an understanding of the mating system and breeding strategies of reintroduced species can be critical to the success, evaluation and effective management of reintroduction programs. As one of the most threatened crocodile species in the world, the Orinoco crocodile...

Demographic history, genetic structure and gene flow in a steppe-associated raptor species

Background Environmental preferences and past climatic changes may determine the length of time during which a species range has contracted or expanded from refugia, thereby influencing levels of genetic diversification. Connectivity among populations of steppe-associated taxa might have been maximal during the long glacial periods, and interrupted only during the shorter...