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Search: authors:"Francesco Giganti"

2 papers found.
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New Insights in Abdominal Pain in Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH): A MRI Study

Introduction Abdominal pain in PNH has never been investigated by in-vivo imaging studies. With MRI, we aimed to assess mesenteric vessels flow and small bowel wall perfusion to investigate the ischemic origin of abdominal pain. Materials and Methods Six PNH patients with (AP) and six without (NOP) abdominal pain underwent MRI. In a blinded fashion, mean flow (MF, quantity of...

Prediction of significant prostate cancer in biopsy-naïve men: Validation of a novel risk model combining MRI and clinical parameters and comparison to an ERSPC risk calculator and PI-RADS

Francesco Giganti), Brahm PhD scholarship in memory of Chris Adams (awarded to Dr Francesco Giganti), United Kingdom National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator - Data Availability ... . Data curation: Jan Philipp Radtke, Francesco Giganti, Magdalena Go¨rtz, Albrecht Stenzinger, Alex Freeman, Shonit Punwani, David Bonekamp. Formal analysis: Jan Philipp Radtke, Francesco Giganti, Manuel