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Search: authors:"Frans W. Cornelissen"

13 papers found.
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Preview of partial stimulus information in search prioritizes features and conjunctions, not locations

Visual search often requires combining information on distinct visual features such as color and orientation, but how the visual system does this is not fully understood. To better understand this, we showed observers a brief preview of part of a search stimulus—either its color or orientation—before they performed a conjunction search task. Our experimental questions were (1...

Stimulus- and Neural-Referred Visual Receptive Field Properties following Hemispherectomy: A Case Study Revisited

Damage to the visual system can result in (a partial) loss of vision, in response to which the visual system may functionally reorganize. Yet the timing, extent, and conditions under which this occurs are not well understood. Hence, studies in individuals with diverse congenital and acquired conditions and using various methods are needed to better understand this. In the present...

Preservation of the Optic Radiations based on comparative analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography and Anatomical dissection

Background Visualization of the precise course of the visual pathways is relevant to prevent damage that may inflict visual field deficits during neurosurgical resections. In particular the optic radiations (OR) are susceptible to such damage during neurosurgery. Cortical pathways can be mapped in vivo, by using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). Visualization of these pathways...

Population Receptive Field Dynamics in Human Visual Cortex

Seminal work in the early nineties revealed that the visual receptive field of neurons in cat primary visual cortex can change in location and size when artificial scotomas are applied. Recent work now suggests that these single neuron receptive field dynamics also pertain to the neuronal population receptive field (pRF) that can be measured in humans with functional magnetic...

Lateral and medial ventral occipitotemporal regions interact during the recognition of images revealed from noise

Several studies suggest different functional roles for the medial and the lateral ventral sections in object recognition. Texture and surface information is processed in medial regions, while shape information is processed in lateral sections. This begs the question whether and how these functionally specialized sections interact with each other and with early visual cortex to...

Surface-Based Analyses of Anatomical Properties of the Visual Cortex in Macular Degeneration

Introduction Macular degeneration (MD) can cause a central visual field defect. In a previous study, we found volumetric reductions along the entire visual pathways of MD patients, possibly indicating degeneration of inactive neuronal tissue. This may have important implications. In particular, new therapeutic strategies to restore retinal function rely on intact visual pathways...

Neural Correlates of Visual Aesthetics – Beauty as the Coalescence of Stimulus and Internal State

How do external stimuli and our internal state coalesce to create the distinctive aesthetic pleasures that give vibrance to human experience? Neuroaesthetics has so far focused on the neural correlates of observing beautiful stimuli compared to neutral or ugly stimuli, or on neural correlates of judging for beauty as opposed to other judgments. Our group questioned whether this...

Attentional Window Set by Expected Relevance of Environmental Signals

W. Cornelissen 0 Efthimios M. C. Skoulakis, Alexander Flemming Biomedical Sciences Research Center, Greece 0 1 Laboratory for Experimental Ophthalmology & BCN NeuroImaging Center, School of

Brightness and Darkness as Perceptual Dimensions

A common-sense assumption concerning visual perception states that brightness and darkness cannot coexist at a given spatial location. One corollary of this assumption is that achromatic colors, or perceived grey shades, are contained in a one-dimensional (1-D) space varying from bright to dark. The results of many previous psychophysical studies suggest, by contrast, that...

A Neurophysiologically Plausible Population Code Model for Feature Integration Explains Visual Crowding

An object in the peripheral visual field is more difficult to recognize when surrounded by other objects. This phenomenon is called “crowding”. Crowding places a fundamental constraint on human vision that limits performance on numerous tasks. It has been suggested that crowding results from spatial feature integration necessary for object recognition. However, in the absence of...

Occipital Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-MRS) Reveals Normal Metabolite Concentrations in Retinal Visual Field Defects

BackgroundProgressive visual field defects, such as age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma, prevent normal stimulation of visual cortex. We investigated whether in the case of visual field defects, concentrations of metabolites such as N-acetylaspartate (NAA), a marker for degenerative processes, are reduced in the occipital brain region.Methodology/Principal...

The Eyelink Toolbox: Eye tracking with MATLAB and the Psychophysics Toolbox

Groningen, The Nether- lands ( 1 University of Washington , Seattle, Washington 2 FRANS W. CORNELISSEN and ENNO M. PETERS University of Groningen , Groningen, The Netherlands The Eyelink Toolbox software