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Search: authors:"Freya Waddington"

4 papers found.
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Complementary medicine use among Australian patients in an acute hospital setting: an exploratory, cross sectional study

The use of Complementary Medicines (CMs) has significantly increased in Australia over the last decade. This study attempts to determine the extent to which complementary and alternative medicines are recorded, ceased or initiated in the acute hospital setting and investigate which health professionals have a role in this process. A cross-sectional study of inpatients was...

Complementary medicine use among Australian patients in an acute hospital setting: an exploratory, cross sectional study

The use of Complementary Medicines (CMs) has significantly increased in Australia over the last decade. This study attempts to determine the extent to which complementary and alternative medicines are recorded, ceased or initiated in the acute hospital setting and investigate which health professionals have a role in this process. A cross-sectional study of inpatients was...

Paracetamol and analgesic nephropathy: Are you kidneying me?

Paracetamol and analgesic nephropathy: Are you kidneying me? Freya Waddington, Mark Naunton, Jackson Thomas Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT, Australia Introduction: Analgesic ... . Freya Waddington; Mark Naunton; Jackson thomas Case details Mrs MJ (83 years old) was referred for a routine Home Medicines Review in view of her multiple medications (Table 1). Home Medicines Review is