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Search: authors:"Frossard, PM"

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Radiological analysis of children with cystic fibrosis who are homozygous for cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator mutation S549R (T→G)

Biol Clin 1996 ; 54 : 235 ± 41 . 9. Stern RC . The diagnosis of cystic ®brosis . New Engl J Med 1997 ; 336 : 487 ± 91 . 10. Dawson KP , Frossard PM . Cystic ®brosis in the United Arab Emirates: an under ... -recognised condition? Tropical Doctor 1995 ; 25 : 110 ± 11 . 11. Frossard PM , Girodon E , Dawson KP , et al. Identi®cation of cystic ®brosis mutations in the United Arab Emirates . Hum Mut 1997 ; Mutation in