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Search: authors:"G. Fätkenheuer"

14 papers found.
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Pretreatment resistance mutations and treatment outcomes in adults living with HIV-1: a cohort study in urban Malawi

Pre-treatment drug resistance (PDR) among antiretroviral drug-naïve people living with HIV (PLHIV) represents an important indicator for the risk of treatment failure and the spread of drug resistant HIV variants. We assessed the prevalence of PDR and treatment outcomes among adults living with HIV-1 in Lilongwe, Malawi. We selected 200 participants at random from the Lighthouse...

Necrotizing Pneumonia Caused by Panton-Valentine Leucocidin-Producing Staphylococcus aureus Originating from a Bartholin's Abscess

Background. Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL-)producing Staphylococcus aureus is emerging as a serious problem worldwide. There has been an increase in the incidence of necrotizing lung infections in otherwise healthy young people with a very high mortality associated with these strains. Sporadic severe infectious complications after incision of Bartholin's abcesses have been...

Acceptance and tolerability of an adjuvanted nH1N1 vaccine in HIV-infected patients in the Cologne-Bonn cohort

Objective To evaluate the acceptance and tolerability of the nH1N1 2009 vaccine in HIV-positive individuals. Method 758 patients were included in this prospective study. Different study populations were formed: The Tolerability Study Group consists of HIV-infected patients who visited three outpatient clinics (Cologne, Bonn, Freiburg) during a predefined time period. Patients...

Clinical Outcome of HIV-Infected Patients with Discordant Virological and Immunological Response to Antiretroviral Therapy

Background. A subgroup of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)–infected patients with severe immunodeficiency show persistently low CD4+ cell counts despite sustained viral suppression. It is unclear whether this immuno-virological discordance translates into an increased risk for clinical events. Methods. Data analysis from a large multicenter cohort incorporating 14,433...

Acceptance and tolerability of an adjuvanted nH1N1 vaccine in HIV-infected patients in the Cologne-Bonn cohort

in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for G. Fätkenheuer in:PubMed • Google Scholar Corresponding author Correspondence to G. Fätkenheuer. Additional information B Steffens, T Kümmerle, C Wyen, C Lehmann