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Search: authors:"Georges Enderle"

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How Can Business Ethics Strengthen the Social Cohesion of a Society?

Jr. Professor of International Business Ethics, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame , Notre Dame, IN , USA 2 & Georges Enderle The essay aims to show how business ethicsunderstood as

Discerning ethical challenges for marketing in China

Georges Enderle 0 Qibin Niu 0 0 Q. Niu School of Business Administration, China University of Petroleum , Changping, Beijing, People's Republic of China 1 ) Mendoza College of Business, University

Ethical Guidelines for the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises in China

By Georges Enderle, Published on 01/01/97 ... this "goal-rights" approach, which Georges Enderle further discusses. 2' This approach aims at integrating the two seemingly opposing perspectives because both the deontological and consequentialist