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Search: authors:"Glaucia Mendes Souza"

2 papers found.
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Identification of sense and antisense transcripts regulated by drought in sugarcane

Sugarcane is an important sugar and energy crop that can be used efficiently for biofuels production. The development of sugarcane cultivars tolerant to drought could allow for the expansion of plantations to sub-prime regions. Knowledge on the mechanisms underlying drought responses and its relationship with carbon partition would greatly help to define routes to increase yield...

Co-expression network analysis reveals transcription factors associated to cell wall biosynthesis in sugarcane

, Universidade de Sa ̃o Paulo , Sa ̃o Paulo , Brazil 2 & Glaucia Mendes Souza 3 Present Address: Universidade Federal do Recoˆncavo da Bahia , Cruz das Almas , Brazil 4 Centro de Cieˆncias Agra ́rias, Universidade