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Search: authors:"Heather L. Gardner"

12 papers found.
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Baseline tumor gene expression signatures correlate with chemoimmunotherapy treatment responsiveness in canine B cell lymphoma

Conceptualization: Cheryl A. London. Data curation: Katherine Dittrich, Heather L. Gardner, Jillian M. Richmond, Cheryl A. London. Formal analysis: Katherine Dittrich, Heather L. Gardner, Jillian M. Richmond ... . Funding acquisition: Cheryl A. London. Investigation: Katherine Dittrich, U¨mmu¨gu¨lsu¨m Yıldız-Altay, Fatima Qutab, Danny A. Kwong, Heather L. Gardner, Jillian M. Richmond, Cheryl A. London. Methodology

The genomic landscape of canine osteosarcoma cell lines reveals conserved structural complexity and pathway alterations

study. Author Contributions Conceptualization: Cheryl A. London. Data curation: Kate Megquier, Heather L. Gardner. Formal analysis: Kate Megquier, Kathleen Morrill, Xue Li, Heather L. Gardner. Funding ... acquisition: Cheryl A. London. Methodology: Kate Megquier, Jason Turner-Maier. Resources: Jeremy Johnson. Supervision: Elinor K. Karlsson. Visualization: Kate Megquier, Heather L. Gardner. Writing

Safety and toxicity of combined oclacitinib and carboplatin or doxorubicin in dogs with solid tumors: a pilot study

• Google Scholar Search for Heather L. Gardner in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Lisa G. Barber in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Abbey Sadowski in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Cheryl A

Safety and efficacy of targeted hyperthermia treatment utilizing gold nanorod therapy in spontaneous canine neoplasia

Hyperthermia is an established anti-cancer treatment but is limited by tolerance of adjacent normal tissues. Parenteral administration of gold nanorods (NRs) as a photosensitizer amplifies the effects of hyperthermia treatment while sparing normal tissues. This therapy is well tolerated and has demonstrated anti-tumor effects in mouse models. The purpose of this phase 1 study was...

Phase I/II evaluation of RV1001, a novel PI3Kδ inhibitor, in spontaneous canine lymphoma

Conceptualization: Kumar V. Penmetsa, Srikant Viswanadha, Swaroop Vakkalanka, Cheryl A. London. Data curation: Heather L. Gardner, Sarah B. Rippy, Srikant Viswanadha, Cheryl A. London. Formal analysis: Heather L ... draft: Heather L. Gardner, Cheryl A. London. Writing ? review & editing: Heather L. Gardner, Kumar V. Penmetsa, Srikant Viswanadha, Cheryl A. London. 14 / 17 15 / 17 16 / 17 1. Kawauchi K , Ogasawara T

Phase II study of the oral selective inhibitor of nuclear export (SINE) KPT-335 (verdinexor) in dogs with lymphoma

combining KPT-335 with cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents in canine lymphoma. Notes Abbey R. Sadowski and Heather L. Gardner contributed equally to this work. Abbreviations AE:  Adverse event AML

A pilot study of toceranib/vinblastine therapy for canine transitional cell carcinoma

Effective therapies for transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) are limited, with objective response rates to most chemotherapeutic regimens below 20%. The purpose of this study was to investigate the biologic activity of combined toceranib phosphate and vinblastine chemotherapy for treatment of TCC. A secondary objective was to compare the utility of Computed Tomography (CT) and...

Target specificity, in vivo pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of the putative STAT3 inhibitor LY5 in osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma

: Ryan Roberts, Hakan Cam, Amy K. LeBlanc, Jiayuh Lin, Denis C. Guttridge, Mitch A. Phelps, Peter Houghton, Cheryl A. London. Visualization: Peter Y. Yu, Heather L. Gardner. Writing ± original draft ... : Peter Y. Yu, Heather L. Gardner. Writing ± review & editing: Peter Y. Yu, Heather L. Gardner, Denis C. Guttridge, Xiaokui Mo, Peter Houghton, Cheryl A. London. 16 / 18 17 / 18 1. Arndt CA , Rose PS

Maintenance therapy with toceranib following doxorubicin-based chemotherapy for canine splenic hemangiosarcoma

Spenic hemangiosarcoma (HSA) in dogs treated with surgery alone is associated with short survival times, and the addition of doxorubicin (DOX) chemotherapy only modestly improves outcome. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of toceranib administration on progression free survival in dogs with stage I or II HSA following splenectomy and single agent DOX...

Preclinical Evaluation of the Novel BTK Inhibitor Acalabrutinib in Canine Models of B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Acalabrutinib (ACP-196) is a second-generation inhibitor of Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase (BTK) with increased target selectivity and potency compared to ibrutinib. In this study, we evaluated acalabrutinib in spontaneously occurring canine lymphoma, a model of B-cell malignancy similar to human diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). First, we demonstrated that...

Impact of Toceranib/Piroxicam/Cyclophosphamide Maintenance Therapy on Outcome of Dogs with Appendicular Osteosarcoma following Amputation and Carboplatin Chemotherapy: A Multi-Institutional Study

Background We hypothesized that the addition of toceranib to metronomic cyclophosphamide/piroxicam therapy would significantly improve disease-free interval (DFI) and overall survival (OS) in dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma (OSA) following amputation and carboplatin chemotherapy. Methods and Findings This was a randomized, prospective clinical trial in which dogs with OSA...