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Search: authors:"Helen Parry"

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Hedge Funds, Hot Markets and the High Net Worth Investor: A Case for Greater Protection

significant disclosure regimes, the OTC markets are, in comparison, relatively opaque. This lack of regulation and disclosure creates 9 For a more substantive discussion of these cases, see Helen Parry ... as contracts for differences in Morgan Stanley U.K. Group v Puglisi Cosentino [1998 C.L.C. 481 (QBD) (Comm Ct). For a discussion of this case see Helen Parry " How Black Wednesday Broke Morgan

Permanent draft genome sequence of Vibrio tubiashii strain NCIMB 1337 (ATCC19106)

Vibrio tubiashii NCIMB 1337 is a major and increasingly prevalent pathogen of bivalve mollusks, and shares a close phylogenetic relationship with both V. orientalis and V. coralliilyticus. It is a Gram-negative, curved rod-shaped bacterium, originally isolated from a moribund juvenile oyster, and is both oxidase and catalase positive. It is capable of growth under both aerobic...