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Human gastric magnet-controlled capsule endoscopy conducted in a standing position: the phase 1 study

Cheng1, Ting-ji Sun1 & Hou-de Zhang  ORCID:  BMC Gastroenterology volume 19, Article number: 184 (2019) Cite this article 165 Accesses Abstract Background ... Sun & Hou-de Zhang AuthorsSearch for Chun-sheng Cheng in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Ting-ji Sun in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Hou-de Zhang in:PubMed • Google Scholar Contributions H

Artesunate induces oncosis-like cell death in vitro and has antitumor activity against pancreatic cancer xenografts in vivo

Pancreatic cancer is highly resistant to the currently available chemotherapeutic agents. Less than 5% of patients diagnosed with this disease could survive beyond 5 years. Thus, there is an urgent need for the development of novel, efficacious drugs that can treat pancreatic cancer. Herein we report the identification of artesunate (ART), a derivative of artemisinin, as a potent...