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Search: authors:"Hristos Tyralis"

3 papers found.
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One-step ahead forecasting of geophysical processes within a purely statistical framework

The simplest way to forecast geophysical processes, an engineering problem with a widely recognized challenging character, is the so-called “univariate time series forecasting” that can be implemented using stochastic or machine learning regression models within a purely statistical framework. Regression models are in general fast-implemented, in contrast to the computationally...

An R function for the estimation of trend significance under the scaling hypothesis- application in PET parametric annual time series

annual time series Software Introduction Aristoteles Tegos 1*, Hristos Tyralis 2, Demetris Koutsoyiannis 3, Khaled H. Hamed4 1,2,3Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, School of ... software: MannKendallLTP R function in the HKprocess R package Developers: Hristos Tyralis Contact: Hristos Tyralis, Athens 10443, contact: Year first available: 2016 Required software: R (≥ 3.2.3) Cost

A Perpetually Interrupted Interbasin Water Transfer as a Modern Greek Drama: Assessing the Acheloos to Pinios Interbasin Water Transfer in the Context of Integrated Water Resources Management

Integrated Water Resources Management Hristos Tyralis 0 Anastasia Delichatsiou 0 Demetris Koutsoyiannis 0 0 National Technical University of Athens Follow this and additional works at: http