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Search: authors:"Il Kyu Eom"

3 papers found.
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Wavelet-based color modification detection based on variance ratio

Color modification is one of the popular image forgery techniques. It can be used to eliminate criminal evidence in various ways, such as modifying the color of a car used in a crime. If the color of a digital image is modified, the locations of the interpolated and original samples may be changed. Because the original and interpolated pixels have different statistical...

Estimation of Bayer CFA pattern configuration based on singular value decomposition

An image sensor can measure only one color per pixel through the color filter array. Missing pixels are estimated using an interpolation process. For this reason, a captured pixel and interpolated pixel have different statistical characteristics. Because the pattern of a color filter array is changed when the image is manipulated or forged, this pattern change can be a clue to...

Image splicing detection based on inter-scale 2D joint characteristic function moments in wavelet domain

Yong Ho Moon Il Kyu Eom 0 1 0 Department of Electronics Engineering, Pusan National University , 2, Busandaehak-ro 63 beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan 46241 , South Korea 1 Department of Electronics