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Search: authors:"Immo Weber"

5 papers found.
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The influence of filtering and downsampling on the estimation of transfer entropy

manuscript. Conceptualization: Esther Florin, Michael von Papen, Lars Timmermann. Formal analysis: Immo Weber. Funding acquisition: Lars Timmermann. Investigation: Immo Weber. Methodology: Esther Florin ... , Michael von Papen. Supervision: Lars Timmermann. Validation: Esther Florin, Lars Timmermann. Writing ± original draft: Immo Weber, Esther Florin, Michael von Papen. Writing ± review & editing: Immo Weber

Deep Brain Stimulation of Hemiparkinsonian Rats with Unipolar and Bipolar Electrodes for up to 6 Weeks: Behavioral Testing of Freely Moving Animals

of lesion induction. Disclosure The present address for Immo Weber is Department of Neurology, University Hospital Giessen and Marburg, Marburg, Germany. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare that

Deep Brain Stimulation of Hemiparkinsonian Rats with Unipolar and Bipolar Electrodes for up to 6 Weeks: Behavioral Testing of Freely Moving Animals

-induced rotation tests are useful for determining the success and degree of lesion induction. Disclosure The present address for Immo Weber is Department of Neurology, University Hospital Giessen and

Deep Brain Stimulation of Hemiparkinsonian Rats with Unipolar and Bipolar Electrodes for up to 6 Weeks: Behavioral Testing of Freely Moving Animals

of lesion induction. Disclosure The present address for Immo Weber is Department of Neurology, University Hospital Giessen and Marburg, Marburg, Germany. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare that

Deep Brain Stimulation of Hemiparkinsonian Rats with Unipolar and Bipolar Electrodes for up to 6 Weeks: Behavioral Testing of Freely Moving Animals

of lesion induction. Disclosure The present address for Immo Weber is Department of Neurology, University Hospital Giessen and Marburg, Marburg, Germany. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare that