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Search: authors:"Ioannis Kotsikoris"

3 papers found.
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Cardiovascular events in chronic dialysis patients: emphasizing the importance of vascular disease prevention

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in both chronic kidney disease and peritoneal dialysis/hemodialysis patients. Vascular disease prevention in these patients is therefore important to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events and the high morbidity and mortality. This Editorial discusses the traditional, (1) smoking, (2) dyslipidemia, (3) body mass index...

Characteristics of patients presenting to the vascular emergency department of a tertiary care hospital: a 2-year study

Background The structure of health care in Greece is receiving increased attention to improve its cost-effectiveness. We sought to examine the epidemiological characteristics of patients presenting to the vascular emergency department of a Greek tertiary care hospital during a 2-year period. We studied all patients presenting to the emergency department of vascular surgery at Red...

Characteristics of patients presenting to the vascular emergency department of a tertiary care hospital: a 2-year study

The structure of health care in Greece is receiving increased attention to improve its cost-effectiveness. We sought to examine the epidemiological characteristics of patients presenting to the vascular emergency department of a Greek tertiary care hospital during a 2-year period. We studied all patients presenting to the emergency department of vascular surgery at Red Cross...