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Search: authors:"J Daniel Ragland"

4 papers found.
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The neural circuitry supporting goal maintenance during cognitive control: a comparison of expectancy AX-CPT and dot probe expectancy paradigms

Goal maintenance is an aspect of cognitive control that has been identified as critical for understanding psychopathology according to criteria of the NIMH-sponsored CNTRICS (Cognitive Neuroscience Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia) and Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiatives. CNTRICS proposed the expectancy AX-CPT, and its visual-spatial parallel the...

Regional Differences in the Coupling between Resting Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism may Indicate Action Preparedness as a Default State

Although most functional neuroimaging studies examine task effects, interest intensifies in the “default” resting brain. Resting conditions show consistent regional activity, yet oxygen extraction fraction constancy across regions. We compared resting cerebral metabolic rates of glucose (CMRgl) measured with 18F-labeled 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose to cerebral blood flow (CBF) 15O...

Computerized Neurocognitive Scanning: II. The Profile of Schizophrenia

of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA USARuben C Gur, J Daniel Ragland, Paul J Moberg, Warren B Bilker, Christian Kohler, Steven J Siegel & Raquel E GurDepartment of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, The ... University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA USAWarren B Bilker AuthorsSearch for Ruben C Gur in:Nature Research journals • PubMed • Google ScholarSearch for J Daniel Ragland in:Nature Research journals

Computerized Neurocognitive Scanning: I. Methodology and Validation in Healthy People

Neuropsychological testing batteries are applied in neurobehavioral evaluations of brain disorders, including neuropsychiatric populations. They are lengthy, require expert administrators and professional scorers, and are prone to data handling errors. We describe a brief computerized neurocognitive “scan” that assesses similar domains with adequate reliability. The scan and a...