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Associations between Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR) Genotype and Elementary School Children’s Likability, Dis-likability and Friendship among Classroom Peers: A Longitudinal Study

, emotional and behavioral development, and peer relationships. J. Marieke Buil Ph.D. is a postdoctoral researcher at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her major research interests include: emotional and

DRD4 Genotype and the Developmental Link of Peer Social Preference with Conduct Problems and Prosocial Behavior Across Ages 9–12 Years

allele. The three most common repeat frequencies in our sample were the 4-repeat (66 %), the 7-repeat (19 %), and the 2-repeat (7 %) J. Marieke Buil, M.Sc. is a Ph.D.-student at VU University Amsterdam

Exposure to Bullying and General Psychopathology: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study

Although there is mounting evidence that the experience of being bullied associates with both internalizing and externalizing symptoms, it is not known yet whether the identified associations are specific to these symptoms, or shared between them. The primary focus of this study is to assess the prospective associations of bullying exposure with both general and specific (i.e...

Impact of Low Social Preference on the Development of Depressive and Aggressive Symptoms: Buffering by Children’s Prosocial Behavior

Holding a low social position among peers has been widely demonstrated to be associated with the development of depressive and aggressive symptoms in children. However, little is known about potential protective factors in this association. The present study examined whether increases in children’s prosocial behavior can buffer the association between their low social preference...