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Search: authors:"Jack T Harvey"

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Demographic characteristics and type/frequency of physical activity participation in a large sample of 21,603 Australian people

Regular physical activity (PA) is imperative for good health and there are many different ways that people can be active. There are a range of health, PA and sport policies aiming to get more people active more often. Much research has been directed towards understanding the determinants of inactivity and PA. However, it is important to understand the differences not only between...

Participation in sport and physical activity: associations with socio-economic status and geographical remoteness

Harvey 1 Warren R Payne 0 0 School of Health Sciences and Psychology, Federation University , Ballarat , Australia 1 Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living, Victoria University , Melbourne

Changes in sport and physical activity participation for adolescent females: a longitudinal study

Participation in sport and physical activity is reported to decline during adolescence, particularly for females. However we do not have a clear understanding of changes in the context (i.e., modes and settings) of participation throughout adolescence. This study investigated longitudinal changes in physical activity participation and the specific modes and settings of physical...

Linking secondary school physical education with community sport and recreation for girls: a process evaluation

Background The purpose of this study was to undertake a process evaluation to examine the reach, adoption and implementation of a school-community linked physical activity (PA) program for girls aged 12 – 15 years (School Years 7 – 9) using the RE-AIM framework. Methods Various approaches were used to assess 'reach’, 'adoption’ and implementation: (a) a school environment survey...

Effectiveness of a school-community linked program on physical activity levels and health-related quality of life for adolescent girls

Background This study evaluated the effectiveness of a school-community program on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL; the primary outcome), physical activity (PA), and potential mediators of PA among adolescent girls living in low-socioeconomic rural/regional settings. Method The study was a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Twelve communities with the requisite sports...