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Search: authors:"Jacob C. Douma"

4 papers found.
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No evidence of flowering synchronization upon floral volatiles for a short lived annual plant species: revisiting an appealing hypothesis

C. Douma 0 0 Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University , Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB Wageningen , The Netherlands Background: Self‑incompatible plants require simultaneous flowering

Genetic diversity of native and cultivated Ugandan Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner): Climate influences, breeding potential and diversity conservation

curation: Catherine Kiwuka, Eva Goudsmit, Re´mi Tournebize, Jacob C. Douma, Laurence Bellanger, Dominique Crouzillat, Piet Stoffelen, Ucu Sumirat, Hyacinthe Legnate´, John Wasswa Mulumba, Pascal Musoli ... , Niels P. R. Anten, Vale´rie Poncet. Formal analysis: Catherine Kiwuka, Eva Goudsmit, Re´mi Tournebize, Sinara Oliveira de Aquino, Jacob C. Douma, Dominique Crouzillat. Funding acquisition: Eva Goudsmit

Grain legume cultivation and children’s dietary diversity in smallholder farming households in rural Ghana and Kenya

N2Africa ( that was one of the winning projects of the 2013 Harvesting Nutrition Contest initiated by the World Bank. Jacob C. Douma is a quantitative ecologist in the Centre for Crop S y s

Bordetella pertussis: an underreported pathogen in pediatric respiratory infections, a prospective cohort study

Background The incidence of pertussis has been increasing worldwide. In the Netherlands, the seroprevalence has risen higher than the reported cases, suggesting that laboratory tests for pertussis are considered infrequently and that even more pertussis cases are missed. The objective of our study was to determine the frequency of pertussis in clinically unsuspect cases compared...