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Search: authors:"Jean Marc Olive"

4 papers found.
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Remote imaging of single cell 3D morphology with ultrafast coherent phonons and their resonance harmonics

Cell morphological analysis has long been used in cell biology and physiology for abnormality identification, early cancer detection, and dynamic change analysis under specific environmental stresses. This work reports on the remote mapping of cell 3D morphology with an in-plane resolution limited by optics and an out-of-plane accuracy down to a tenth of the optical wavelength...

Epidemiology of a Measles Epidemic in Vietnam 2008–2010

Background. Vietnam conducted a measles catch-up supplementary immunization activity (SIA) during 2002–2003 that targeted children 9 months–10 years of age, followed by subnational SIAs targeting persons up to 20 years of age during 2004 and 2007–2008. A measles epidemic began among young adults in October 2008 in the northern region, spread nationwide during early 2009, and...