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Search: authors:"Jessica Boult"

3 papers found.
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Modulation of renal oxygenation and perfusion in rat kidney monitored by quantitative diffusion and blood oxygen level dependent magnetic resonance imaging on a clinical 1.5T platform

Background To investigate the combined use of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion-weighted (DW) and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess rat renal function using a 1.5T clinical platform. Methods Multiple b-value DW and BOLD MR images were acquired from adult rats using a parallel clinical coil arrangement, enabling quantitation...


In contrast to most other malignant diseases, especially in children, up to now glioblastoma multiforma (GBM) is a lethal diagnosis for most of the patients. Operation and radiotherapy are very effective to reduce the tumor burden, however, a strong adjuvant treatment is lacking. To target glioblastoma cells more effectively, it is crucial to understand the cellular signaling and...


BACKGROUND: LMD in children with recurrent medulloblastoma and other PNETs carries a poor prognosis and novel therapies are urgently needed to improve disease control. Somatostatin receptor-2 (SSR-2)is overexpressed in medulloblastoma and other central PNETs and can serve as a target for radionuclide tagged somatostatin analogues like 177Lu-DOTA-TATE that has shown considerable...