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Search: authors:"Jessica Woodhams"

3 papers found.
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“An Adventure That Went Wrong”: Reasons Given by Convicted Perpetrators of Multiple Perpetrator Sexual Offending for Their Involvement in the Offense

There is little empirical research examining the reasons behind multiple perpetrator sexual offending. A limited number of studies provide reasons for offending offered by perpetrators of this type of sexual violence, but only one published study exists where these perpetrators were interviewed regarding their offense. The Multi-Factorial Model of Multiple Perpetrator Sexual...

An Interview Study of the Experiences of Firefighters in Regard to Psychological Contract and Stressors

As the first qualitative study of its kind, this study explored firefighters’ beliefs and experiences about the psychological contract between themselves as employees and their employer, workplace stress, stress-management strategies, and their wellbeing. Eleven interviews were conducted with active firefighters from multiple fire stations in the UK. The interviews were recorded...

An Interview Study of the Experiences of Police Officers in Regard to Psychological Contract and Wellbeing

Jessica Woodhams 0 Darren Bishopp 0 0 Frankland Building, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham , Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT , UK 1 Fazeelat Duran In this paper, it is argued that the